i dOubt something. but i refuSe to believe it. i mEan, is it true? i cAnt believE thAt will hAppen tO a pErson liKe me. i meaN, if it hAppeN foR reAl, mcm mY lifE has bEen cUrsed je? OMG! wHy me? it's kinD oF haRd tO believe all this. buT suDdenly eVrything dOes mAkes seNse. thEn wHy i still refuse to wAke uP n sEe the trUth behiNd thiS? i sHould liSteN to mY friEnds and lEave aLl thiS. buT caN i? i've gOne thiS fAr foR thiS. i riSKed my liFe, mY fEeling and thE trUst frOm aLl peOple whO love mE. .and nOw i hAve to givE up and lEave? whAt if it's nOt likE thAt? whAt if i've nEver been liEd? thE fEeling is alWays tRue aNd i cAn bUilD mY perfect dReam with thiS? it sEems dat it's bAd for u but u doUbt it is and u sTill waNt to bElieve thAt it iS thE best givEn tO U. lifE is all abOut maKing cHoices. the bEst oNe.but i dOnt haVe mucH to chOose. hurmm..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
thE haRdest thiNg tO dO
i dOubt something. but i refuSe to believe it. i mEan, is it true? i cAnt believE thAt will hAppen tO a pErson liKe me. i meaN, if it hAppeN foR reAl, mcm mY lifE has bEen cUrsed je? OMG! wHy me? it's kinD oF haRd tO believe all this. buT suDdenly eVrything dOes mAkes seNse. thEn wHy i still refuse to wAke uP n sEe the trUth behiNd thiS? i sHould liSteN to mY friEnds and lEave aLl thiS. buT caN i? i've gOne thiS fAr foR thiS. i riSKed my liFe, mY fEeling and thE trUst frOm aLl peOple whO love mE. .and nOw i hAve to givE up and lEave? whAt if it's nOt likE thAt? whAt if i've nEver been liEd? thE fEeling is alWays tRue aNd i cAn bUilD mY perfect dReam with thiS? it sEems dat it's bAd for u but u doUbt it is and u sTill waNt to bElieve thAt it iS thE best givEn tO U. lifE is all abOut maKing cHoices. the bEst oNe.but i dOnt haVe mucH to chOose. hurmm..
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something doubtful happened to you? mind to share bebeh? did u share ur probs with en. razif? hope he's capable enough to cheer u up! kalau tak qila sekeh die..
he's too bz. n what if this is al bout him. if..
U dont have much to choose? really? nahh... there are tons of choices in life ika (particularly in your life.. i bet it does! hehe).. just dont narrow down your option too soon.. (if u know wat i mean) ;p
jgn cr atau create masaalah.. life will not meaningful w/o making choices.. sometimes the higher risk that you take the higher the benefit that you got.. every 'Q' there is an 'A'.. enjoy da life..
i dont really get what u mean putt. hehe. the 'much to choose' is on the situation la syg...hurm, but it's ok. thx 4 ur concern guys..
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