“Uste, go and get a life. Don’t you have anything to do? Mcm mane nak kawen gni!” I said as he pinned me down.
“Macam mane nak kawen, ko tak kawen lagi?” said Uste sambil memicit-micit lemak ku.
“Geli la sengal!”… and it ended there ( not the fight, the conversation).
I smiled as my mum told me about his wish. My mum said that most of his friends are back in Malaysia to get engaged with their love one and he actually was planning to do the same. Yippi! I am excited. My lil bro yg penah maen masak2 ngan I dah besar! Oh, I am proud of him. But then... suddenly my mum said this one heart-breaking thing.
Thinking about me, he cancelled his plan.
“Takkan la Uste nak langkah bendul”
WTH? I was devastated. If only I knew about this, I would smack him down earlier. The last thing I want to be is a sister who menghalang kebahagiaan my own lil brother. Cewah..
It’s so nice of him thinking about me, but Uste.. I don’t mind dear. I just want him to know I am okay with the langkah bendul or ape semua tue. I tak kisah. I want to see him happy. If nak tunggu eika kawen, eika rase mmg jauh lagi. So, BMW pon dah cukup… kidding!
Hurm.., it’s not that I am memilih or do not want to get married. I want! But God has a better plan for me. And I just think I am not ready for this, considering there are lots of things about me I need to change.. The right guy pon tak jumpa lagi. Fidelity is a big issue for me. Oh, I am pathetic! Anyway, sambung master pon tak lagi. Angan2 I neh besar taw… lagipon, God knows best. I believe in Him. If he thinks it’s time, it will be the right time.
I hope everything is going to be fine. And I hope my lil brother will be a nice husband. I am sure whoever is going to be his wife will be the luckiest girl on earth! Err…except that she needs to tolerate our wrestling routine. (^_*)
1 comment:
salam. buleh folo xblog nih?
meh aku sokong part BMW tu..part penting tuh..hehehe
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