Describe a positive day in your life.
it's sushi time!!! with ana-chan(^_^)
another meal from noodles station. aizar-chan!
amazed by my drink*i miss u lemonade*(that's the name) and malu2 for the shot.(^_*)
the climax of the day!!! see how miraculous Gucci by Gucci on my pink shelf? yeaaayeaaa~~~
Describe a negative day in your life.
If you know what I mean…Lalalala...
waaa...soo big Gucci bottle..baper ratus tu ikha?
tak la besar mane. yg 75 ml je. kalu harga biase around 3 sumtg and kadg2 kalu lucky around 290. eika cari masa mother's day so dapat diskaun best. hehe~~~ egat nk buy flora by gucci tp dis one lagi best! hehe *perfume maniac*
no i don't know what u mean haha
cikgu cikgu
cikgu apa khabar cikgu?
moshie! im fine~~~
u dont know wat i mean? lorrr...haha.
dear..ley bg email add?nak invite :) sebab buat private
dear, my email=
waaah makan sedaaap..
wooooooow..perfume perfume perfume..
dira suka perfume gak..
eh i mean ..iza suke perfume gak...kite berkenan tgk flora sbb ad die mcm cun...rupenye ikha suke yg ek? dah le pink..sweet la ikha...ailebyu ikha!!!
waaah makan sedaaap..
wooooooow..perfume perfume perfume..
dira suka perfume gak..
eh i mean ..iza suke perfume gak...kite berkenan tgk flora sbb ad die mcm cun...rupenye ikha suke yg ek? dah le pink..sweet la ikha...ailebyu ikha!!!
waaa...nak botol camtu gak!! ikha present la kat qila leh? bday qila dah nak dekat dah ni..hehe
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